The film 'Nightfall' follows the life of Ben Fields as he takes on the challenges of an average 21 year old living in South Florida. Although Ben has always dreamt of being "average," he has had somewhat of a rough childhood. Ben grew up in the prosperous New York, more specifically, Brooklyn. His parents died in a car crash when Ben was just 15 years old, leaving him a bad case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as leaving him and his 7 year old sister to their relatives. Their aunt and uncle who took on the challenge were not of the most kind however, leaving Ben the desire to constantly move out and find his own place. He felt as though his childhood had been taken from him as he took care of his sister for the most part all while balancing school and even a job.
Once Ben turned 21 years old, he made the decision to leave New York and his relatives. Ben's sister had to stay to finish school but Ben wanted to be like everyone else his age, partying and experiencing life to the fullest. He moved down to Miami, Florida with some of the money left by his parents and found an apartment for one. Ben wasn't as outgoing but soon became accustomed to this new lifestyle. He had found a job writing for the local paper, as writing was most definitely one of his strong points. Ben loved to dream and be creative as that was all he had while in New York to escape his mind everyday.
One night a few months after settling in, Ben was out clubbing alone, as per usual because he had few friends outside of work. His PTSD started acting up and gave him major anxiety. Ben loved people yet desired friendship and a family, unlike what he retrieved in his late teen years. When he witnesses others out with loved one's, he sometimes cannot control his actions. As a young 20 year old nearly Ben's age was out alone walking, he had the desire to take the person and make them suffer such as he has, taking everything they've ever loved and known and forcing them to live a life they never desired. The film continues to follow Ben and his problems as they worsen, without any guidance on how to solve them. Ben is not a violent person, yet overcoming his obstacles can be much more challenging than it would be for others.
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